To Impeach? Or to Not Impeach?
Should Donald Trump be impeached?
Despite what will likely prove numerous impeachable offenses committed by Donald Trump revealed in the coming weeks, I say no.
Don’t get me wrong. I can’t imagine anyone wanting Trump removed from the highest office in the land any more than I do. But I’m afraid focusing energy and expending political clout on impeachment would backfire on Democrats, who won back the House in a blue wave with young, diverse, progressive candidates with fresh ideas. They shouldn’t squander the opportunity to prove they’re the party committed to getting important things done bogged down in impeachment hearings. Democrats in Congress should spend the next two years taking the high road and drawing as clear a line of distinction between them and the party of Trump as possible, instead.
As more and more despicable details from the Mueller investigation come to light, I expect Trump to be rendered increasingly impotent and inconsequential — even more so than he is now — as every Republican with self-preservation instincts distance themselves from the toxic and certain lame duck President.
I say allow this ineffectual administration to continue to implode and the sleazy house of cards to fall down around him.
Look at the calendar. It’s almost 2019, folks. Full-on campaign season is right around the corner. Election Day will be here before you know it. Pick your favorite Democrat hopeful (Warren, Booker, Beto, Bernie, Kamala, Castro, Uncle Joe….) and imagine any one of them on the campaign trail or up on stage with Trump in a debate, with even more ammunition from Mueller at their disposal. The campaign will prove more damning to Trump, I think, than even impeachment. How delicious is that? Plus, I can’t wait to see the expression on his smug orange mug the day he loses the election in a landslide. Don’t deny me that visual by removing him from office beforehand.
Also, remember that if President Trump is removed from office, we’ll be left with President Pence — just as dangerous, but a lot smarter than Trump and a much more formidable General Election candidate. I wonder how many within the GOP are secretly praying for this scenario. Let them lie in the Trump bed they made.
To be honest, if I thought Trump had a chance of winning in 2020, I would be leading the charge for impeachment. Honestly, can the country (or planet) survive another four years? But I really don’t think he does. I’m confident there will be enough energized Democrats showing up at the polls this time and, more importantly, disaffected Republicans who won’t. Of course, I expect few Republicans to vote for the Democrat but I do expect enough will stay home on Election Day to tip the electoral balance. That wouldn’t be the case if Pence were on the ticket.
Then, after the election, citizen Trump can reap what he’s sown and join his throng of lackeys behind bars.